Terms Of Service

Our Profile

Founded in 1 Apr 2002, We are service provider in web hosting, web design, dedicated server, ecommerce, email service and domain registration etc..

Our Equipment

Our Equipment specially uses the latest techniques to keep its high security and ceaseless services.

Our Clients

We have supports various well-famed big companies and SMEs of different places, including Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States, Singapore and Australia, etc

Our Partners

We do not charge you any arbitrary "Partner membership" fees, or impose any limitations on your reselling. All you need is "a web hosting account with us", and you are all set!


As you using the "Service" these you agree the terms, so please read the terms of content.

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Common problems include website design, hosting, e-mail marketing, network marketing, training, and so on.

Contact Us

If you have any problems of our services, and cannot find the answer in technical support and FAQ, you can contact us by e-mail or phone.

Founded in June 2002, 01Link Network Services Limited is a service provider in web hosting, web design, dedicated server, ecommerce, email service and domain registration etc. 01Link Network Services Limited was founded with the goal to provide excellent customer service, robust and simple website management service. 01Link Network Services Limited has continued to flourish and strike to be a technology leader. We offer one-stop full service to ensure a quick and smooth implementation. With our affordable web solutions, we are confident that your business can operate in a more efficient and profitable way.

Hong Kong office Address

01Link Network Services Limited

Unit 2201, 22/F, King Palace Plaza, 52A Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 3106 5260

Fax: (852) 3568 1833

Server Facilties

Dell PowerEdge Server

Dual Xeon (12 Cores) CPU

OS based 64Bit Linux and Windows

64G ECC Server Ram

Enterprise SSD Harddisk Drive RAID5 Solution

Daily Backup Solution

99.95% Uptime Guarantee

Data Center Facilties

Constant climate control with down flow air type ventilation.

Complete FM200 fire precaution system strengthens fire resistance capability.

High physical security system and access control.

Back-up and disaster recovery systems.

Firewalls and consultancy for unparalleled network security.

Extremely high capacity traffic exchange ATM backbone for clients in our IDC.

Free local Internet exchange using DDS, ATM and Ethernet connections.

Virtual private environment to match commercial requirements.

24-hour monitoring and surveillance for supreme reliability.

24x7 technical support and help desk.

The following are some of the partners. We're very proud to be working with each of them and would like to let you know who they are.

Everything you always wanted to know about website design, hosting, e-mail marketing, Internet marketing, coaching, and MUCH MORE.

As what information you hold matters a great deal in your business development, the datacenter specially uses the latest techniques to keep its high security and ceaseless services. The security system includes Biometric Access System, 24X7 CCTV Monitoring, ball-proof entrance and security alarm. It can help avoid and notice any break-in. The central monitoring system of the datacenter is responsible for operating all the facilities and services in the computer room, including air-conditioning, fire alarm and UPS Backup Generators.

Data Center Equipment

  • Tight Security Systems

  • Biometric Access Systems

  • 24x7 CCTV Monitoring

  • Dedicated Private Rooms

  • FM200 fire precaution system

  • UPS Backup Generators

  • Network Operations Centre(NOC)

  • Temperature & Humidity Controlled

Data Center Facilties

Constant climate control with down flow air type ventilation.

Complete FM200 fire precaution system strengthens fire resistance capability.

High physical security system and access control.

Back-up and disaster recovery systems.

Firewalls and consultancy for unparalleled network security.

Extremely high capacity traffic exchange ATM backbone for clients in our IDC.

Free local Internet exchange using DDS, ATM and Ethernet connections.

Virtual private environment to match commercial requirements.

24-hour monitoring and surveillance for supreme reliability.

24x7 technical support and help desk.

01Link Network Services Limited has gained supports various well-famed big companies and SMEs of different places, including Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Thailand, the United States, Singapore and Australia, etc. Some of them are also leading Internet Active Providers and Corporations in the e-Commerce industry. It is our deep conviction that loyalties of our customers are built up from our quality, reliable and professional customer services.

01Link Network Services Limited of Unit 2201, 22/F, King Palace Plaza, 52A Sha Tsui Road, Tusen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong

Any company or person who has requested to use the Services provided by 01LINK.NET.

Any agreement between the parties which expressly or impliedly incorporates these Terms and Conditions as the context demands.

Installation fee, monthly fee and other charges in respect of the Services published from time to time by 01LINK.NET.

Services as described in the Agreement, virtual web hosting, dedicated server hosting, server co-location, hardware supply, and services which offered by 01LINK.NET as the context requires.

Acceptable Use Policy

In consideration for payment of the Fees, 01LINK.NET agrees to provide the services to the customer. The Customer shall pay the fees and all applicable taxes and tariffs relating to its use of the Services. 01LINK.NET will invoice the customer by electronic mail, post or facsimile transmission. Payment is due at presentation for the full invoiced amount. If the customer does not pay before the invoice due date,01LINK.NET reserves the right, in its sole, absolute and unfettered discretion, to terminate this agreement and discontinue service to the Customer after 14 days without further notice or liability for actual, compensatory or consequential damages to Customer for the interruption in service

The customer is responsible for and must provide all equipment necessary to access the services and must comply at all times with 01LINK.NET's requirements as regards mode of access and/or use of the services. The customer also agrees to abide by (1) generally accepted the AUP and (2) the Agreement.

The Customer shall be entirely responsible for all use of the Services and agrees to indemnify 01LINK.NET against all and any liability arising, directly or indirectly, and in any jurisdiction, out of the use of the Services. The Customer agrees to abide by all applicable laws (whether of Hong Kong or of any relevant jurisdiction) relating to the use of the Services, in particular, but without limitation, the Customer shall not access or publish any matter which violates any laws (whether of Hong Kong or of any relevant jurisdiction) and warrants that its use of the Services does and shall not, directly or indirectly, infringe any third party's intellectual property rights in any jurisdiction.

The Customer expressly agrees that the use of the Services is at the Customer's sole risk and that the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Services is with the Customer. Neither 01LINK.NET nor any or its directors, employees or agents warrant that the Services will be uninterrupted or error free, or give any warranty as to the results to be obtained from use of the Services. In no event will 01LINK.NET or its directors, employees or agents be liable to the Customer for any damage, (including, but without limitation, special, incidental, or consequential damage) arising from the use of, or inability to use (for whatever reason), the Services, including but not limited to damages resulting from loss of data or loss of profits but not including death or personal injury due to the negligence of 01LINK.NET, its directors, employees or agents.

Any Internet Protocol address(es) allocated by 01LINK.NET to the Customer, remain(s) the property of 01LINK.NET. The Customer undertakes not to advertise, or otherwise to broadcast, such address(es) upon termination of the Services or the Agreement, nor to use the word "01LINK.NET" in any way as a business or company name or trade mark.

If the Customer is in breach of any of the terms of the Agreement, 01LINK.NET may, at its sole discretion, either suspend the Customer's access to and use of any of the Services until such breach is remedied or terminate the Agreement and the Customer's access to and use of any of the Services. Reinstatement will be at the sole option of 01LINK.NET and upon such terms and conditions as it shall determine.

If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. All obligations and restrictions on the Customer under this Agreement will survive the termination of this Agreement and/or the termination of the provision of any of the Services. No waiver by either party of a breach of any provision of this Agreement, non delay or omission to exercise any right, shall constitute a waiver of any other breach or default by the other party.

Unless othe rwise agreed in writing and signed by both parties, this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement is governed by the laws of Hong Kong and the parties hereby submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong.


If you have any enquires about our services, please feel free to contact different departments by email.

01Link Network Services Limited

Unit 2201, 22/F, King Palace Plaza, 52A Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong

(852) 3106 5260

(852) 3568 1833

(852) 3106 5260

Office Hour:

- 9:30 AM to 6:30 PM

- 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM

(Lunch Hour at 1:00PM - 2:00PM )

Email Address List:






Phone Contact List :

(852) 3106 5260

(852) 3106 5261

(852) 8201 0162

(852) 3568 1833

24-Hour Email Support Service :

If you have any technical problems, please feel free to contact our 24-hour support department at support@01link.net